Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream

Man, tours have been going well so far, but jeeze, making all the ice cream for the kids can be just a little on the tiring side. Thought it all would make a good picture, though.

In the time I have that I don't have customers, it is nice to be able to take a break outside and rock in the rocking chair and prop my feet up. :)

I had a meeting tonight for Community Concerts, as usual it went long. BTW I am on the board of directors. Sometimes I just wish people knew how to run a meeting properly. But anyway here is what our lineup for the season looks like. It should be a fun season getting to meet the artists and help with everything.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Ramblings of a Soul Searcher...

The Wanderer

Where should I go?
What should I say?
That this life is turmoil?
Am I destined to roam the earth for all eternity?
Searching, always searching for something to hold on to?
No!There is nothing of this earth to hold on to.
My search would be in vain.
As the horizon continues on the open plains forever,
that would be my search.
But alas! What is this? A fixed point to hang on to?
Not on this earth, but heavenward.
The True hope of Grace and Mercy of my Great God
shall be my one and only anchor.
I need to let go of the fleeting things of this world,
and grasp the life rope of Mercy and climb to salvation
by the Strength and Grace of my Lord.
But why, oh Lord?
Why are the things of earth so hard to let go of?
Guide my hands, oh Lord to your way of Lord,
for yours is the only way.